Keep in mind that fruits also contain fructose, although an ameliorating factor is that whole fruits also contain vitamins and other antioxidants that reduce the hazardous effects of fructose.
On the other hand, juices are nearly as detrimental as soda because a glass of juice is loaded with fructose, and a lot of the antioxidants are lost.
It is important to remember that fructose alone isn’t evil, as fruits are undoubtedly beneficial. But when you consume high levels of fructose, it will devastate your biochemistry and physiology. Remember, the AVERAGE fructose dose is 70 grams per day, exceeding the recommend limit by 300 percent.
So please BE CAREFUL with your fruit consumption. You MUST understand that because HFCS is so darn cheap, it is added to virtually every processed food. Even if you consumed no soda or fruit, it is straightforward to exceed 25 grams of hidden fructose in your diet.
If you are a raw food advocate, have a clean diet, and exercise very well, then you could be the exception that could exceed this limit and stay healthy. Dr. Johnson has a handy chart, included below, which you can use to estimate how much fructose you’re getting in your diet. Remember, you are also likely getting additional fructose if you consume any packaged foods since it is hidden in nearly all of them.
In addition to limiting your intake of fructose, you should eliminate all sweetened beverages and fruit juices (including all artificial sweeteners) and drink only pure water and raw milk.
You can buy pure glucose (dextrose) as a sweetener for about $1 a pound. It is only 70% as sweet as sucrose, so you’ll end up using a bit more of it for the same amount of sweetness, making it slightly more expensive than sucrose—but still well worth it for your health as it has ZERO grams of fructose.
Remember that glucose can be used directly by every cell in your body and as such is far safer than the metabolic poison fructose.
Beer is also a good beverage to AVOID since it increases uric acid levels, just like fructose does, resulting in many of the same toxic effects.
All alcoholic beverages cause you to produce excess uric acid (and block your kidneys from excreting it), but beer seems to have a more pronounced effect on uric acid levels because it’s a rich source of guanosine, the type of purine that is most readily absorbed by the body.