Are you prepared for flu season and protecting yourself and family from rising covid cases? Do you have access to natural remedies to build your immunity?

Yes, we all have a medicine chest or cabinet in which we store all our precious remedies that we sometimes have a difficult time parting with. Prescriptions from prior injuries or illnesses that cost a pretty sum that you just can’t seem to part with. As a pharmacist, I must tell you that this habit is not only dangerous for your health, but also for young children and teenagers.
First of all, prescription medications have an expiration date. This is the date assigned by the manufacturer when approximately 95% of the active drug has degraded and falls below the acceptable levels needed to work properly.
Secondly, when a drug degrades, it can change into a dangerous bi-product chemically that will adversely affect your health. The number one abused medication among teenagers these days are narcotic pain medications and other prescription drugs. Where do the teenagers get these drugs? The easiest place possible...grandmas, grandpas, or parents medicine cabinets. The number one killer of your children is toxic doses to medications that are accidentally ingested. Statistics tell us that approximately 1/3 of the 1.5 billion prescriptions written each year end up not being taken. These prescriptions end up in our lakes, city water supplies, landfills or even worse poisoning our youth. Lastly, prescriptions are meant to be taken at the time of writing. In the case of antibiotics and steroids, not completing the prescription can be as devastating as the original problem being treated.
So what’s the Solution?
Create A Natural Medicine Chest!
I have four children that live all over from Florida to Tennessee, and all the way in NC. They each need a great natural medicine chest to deal with almost any imbalance that comes their way in my absence. I have stocked the following herbs and supplements listed below in their medicine chest. If you would like the same medicine chest for your home or one for your office, call my office and specifically order “Dr. Shipe’s Medicine Chest.”
Adrenal Complex: Exhaustion, fatigue, allergies
Allerplex: Seasonal allergies, food sensitivities
Andrographis: Colds, flu, immune support
Calcium lactate: Menstrual pain, muscle cramps, fever reducer
Cholacol II: Diarrhea, food poisoning, foreign travel
Colax: Severe constipation
Congaplex: Antibacterial, immune support
Cramplex: Muscle spasms, menstrual cramps
Zypan: Acid reflux, digestive aid, gas, bad breath
Min-chex: Stress, nervousness, irritability, minor depression
Ligaplex I: Sprains and Strains, sports injuries, muscle tears, muscle pulls,
Gastrex: Heartburn, ulcers, gastritis
Fen-cho: Mild laxative, stool softener
Dr. Shipe’s Medicine Chest Retail Price: $220.00

Other costs similar to Dr. Shipe’s Medicine Chest
1. An 8-hour day missed from work due to a cold or flu assuming you make $22.00/hour.
2. A monthly prescription for Nexium or similar drug to treat a stomach ulcer from stress.
3. A trip to the hospital emergency room for diarrhea, food poisoning or irritable bowel syndrome with cramping (and then some).
4. A traffic ticket for the automobile accident you caused asleep at the wheel because of lack of sleep.
5. A trip to the gynecologist for relief of menstrual pains and subsequent pain medicine.
6. Treatment of the stomach ulcer caused by continual treatment of menstrual pains and purchase of Nexium prescription (see #2 and #5)
7. The total cost of your one month’s supply of allergy remedies to treat stuffy nose, sinus congestion, watery eyes, dry throat, post nasal drip, cough, and headache. The worst part is you still are only treating symptoms and not the underlying problem.
8. The purchase of a cheaper elevated toilet and associated comfortable seat for the long extended periods on the “throne” due to chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. The associated cost due to loss of productive time is not factored in.
Although, the risks to you or your children with this medicine chest are negligible such as the okra in Gastrex, or the fenugreek in Fen-cho, care should be taken to keep all supplements out of the reach of children.
Consider trying a different, more natural approach to health with traditional Chinese medicine. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation, or simply contact our office at (772) 398-4550! Wishing you the best of health!
